
Prime Minister Youth Loan Program 2024 | PM Youth Development Program

Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package is an allocation of PKR 80 billion, it consists of a total of 11 different schemes or programs aimed at unleashing the potential of youth.

Some of the key schemes under the PM Youth Development Package include:

  • PM Shahbaz Sharif Youth Laptop Scheme (Amount: PKR 10 Billion)
  • PM Youth Business and Agriculture Loan (Amount: PKR 10 Billion)
  • PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Youth Skill Development (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • Shahbaz Sharif Tubewell Solarization (Amount: PKR 20 Billion)
  • IT Startups and Venture Capital Innovation Award (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Women Empowerment Program (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Sports Endowment Fund and University (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
  • PM Education Fund (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

Now, the question is; how to apply for the PM Youth Development Package?

To apply for this scheme visit the official website of the PM Youth Program, select your desired program, fill out the application form, and wait for a response.

Having stated above, let’s explore the eligibility and application process for the PM Youth Development Package in detail. Here we go!

Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package | Prime Minister Youth Loan Program


Table Of Contents

What Is Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package?


The Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program (PMYSDP) stands as a dedicated effort to fortify the quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Pakistan.

Its primary objective is to equip young individuals with both conventional and cutting-edge skills that are in demand in the job market, thus aligning their capabilities with international standards.

PMYSDP catalyzes change, empowering the youth and unlocking their potential to contribute to the country’s human development and shape its future.

The program encompasses various components designed to revitalize and enhance the entire TVET system within Pakistan, mirroring the proactive approach seen in initiatives like the PM Education Fund, PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League, and PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub.

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PM Education Fund (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

The PM Education Fund, with an allocation of PKR 5 billion, is a significant initiative aimed at bolstering education in Pakistan.

This fund serves as a testament to the government’s commitment to providing quality education and opportunities for the nation’s youth.

With this substantial investment, the PM Education Fund seeks to address educational gaps, improve infrastructure, enhance teacher training, and promote access to education for all.

PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

The PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League, with a significant allocation of PKR 5 billion, is a game-changing initiative aimed at fostering sports excellence and nurturing the talent of young athletes in Pakistan.

This substantial investment showcases the government’s commitment to promoting sports and providing a platform for aspiring athletes to showcase their skills.

The league aims to identify and nurture promising talent across various sports disciplines, offering training programs, coaching, and infrastructure support to young athletes.

By channeling resources into this initiative, the government seeks to create a thriving sports culture, develop sporting skills, and pave the way for Pakistani athletes to compete at national and international levels.

PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)


The PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub, with an allocation of PKR 5 billion, is an ambitious initiative aimed at harnessing the power of digital technology to empower and engage the youth in Pakistan.

This substantial investment highlights the government’s commitment to digital transformation and creating opportunities for young individuals in the digital realm.

The Digital Youth Hub aims to provide access to digital resources, training programs, and entrepreneurial support to equip the youth with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age.

The PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub represents a significant step towards building a digitally empowered generation, unlocking their potential, and contributing to the nation’s progress.

PM Youth Skill Development (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

The PM Youth Skill Youth Development Package, with an allocation of PKR 5 billion, is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing the skill set of the youth in Pakistan.

This substantial investment reflects the government’s commitment to equipping young individuals with the necessary skills to succeed in the evolving job market.

PM Youth Development Package focuses on providing vocational training, technical education, and apprenticeship opportunities to empower youth with practical skills that are in demand across various industries.

By investing in skill development, the government aims to reduce unemployment, foster entrepreneurship, and bridge the gap between education and employment.

The PM Youth Skill Development program is a pivotal step towards creating a skilled workforce, promoting economic growth, and ensuring a prosperous future for the youth of Pakistan.

Shahbaz Sharif Tubewell Solarization (Amount: PKR 20 Billion)

Under the leadership of Shahbaz Sharif, the PM Tubewell Solarization initiative received a substantial allocation of PKR 20 billion.

This ambitious program aims to revolutionize the agricultural sector in Pakistan by promoting sustainable practices and reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.

Through the use of solar power, tubewells, which are essential for irrigation in agricultural areas, can be solarized, reducing the burden on the national electricity grid and providing farmers with a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative.

By investing in tubewell solarization, the government seeks to improve agricultural productivity, increase water efficiency, and contribute to the overall development of the rural economy.

IT Startups and Venture Capital Innovation Award (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

The Fund for IT Startups and Venture Capital Innovation Award, with an allocation of PKR 5 billion, is a significant initiative aimed at fostering innovation and supporting the growth of IT startups in Pakistan.

This substantial investment reflects the government’s recognition of the crucial role that startups play in driving economic growth and technological advancement.

The fund aims to provide financial assistance, mentorship, and infrastructure support to budding entrepreneurs in the IT sector, enabling them to transform their innovative ideas into successful businesses.

By nurturing the startup ecosystem and facilitating access to venture capital, the government aims to create a conducive environment for innovation, job creation, and global competitiveness.

The Fund for IT Startups and Venture Capital Innovation Award represents a bold step towards positioning Pakistan as a hub for technological innovation and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship in the IT sector.

PM Women Empowerment Program (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

The PM Women Empowerment Program, with an amount of PKR 5 billion, is a significant initiative aimed at advancing the rights and opportunities of women in Pakistan.

This substantial investment underscores the government’s commitment to gender equality, inclusivity, and women’s empowerment. The program aims to address various challenges faced by women, including economic empowerment, education, healthcare, and legal support.

By providing financial assistance, skills training, and entrepreneurship opportunities, the government seeks to enhance women’s economic independence and encourage their active participation in the workforce.

The PM Women Empowerment Program represents a vital step towards creating a society where women are empowered, valued, and given equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to the nation’s development.

PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution (Amount: PKR 5 Billion):

The PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution, with an amount of PKR 5 billion, is an ambitious initiative to promote environmental sustainability and engage the youth in Pakistan.

This substantial investment reflects the government’s commitment to addressing environmental challenges and creating a greener future.

The movement encourages young individuals to actively participate in activities such as tree planting, conservation projects, waste management, and renewable energy initiatives.

By channeling resources into this program, the government seeks to raise awareness about environmental issues, foster a sense of responsibility towards nature, and inspire sustainable practices among the youth.

The PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution represents a significant step towards building a more ecologically conscious society, preserving natural resources, and mitigating the impacts of climate change for a sustainable and resilient Pakistan.

PM Sports Endowment Fund and University (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)


The PM Sports Endowment Fund and University, with an amount of PKR 5 billion, is a landmark initiative aimed at promoting sports excellence and fostering the development of athletes in Pakistan.

This substantial investment highlights the government’s commitment to providing world-class infrastructure, training facilities, and educational opportunities for sports enthusiasts.

The Sports Endowment Fund aims to support talented athletes through financial assistance, scholarships, and specialized coaching programs, enabling them to pursue their sporting dreams and compete at national and international levels.

PM Shahbaz Sharif Youth Laptop Scheme (Amount: PKR 10 Billion)

The PM Shahbaz Sharif Youth Laptop Scheme, with an amount of PKR 10 billion, is a groundbreaking initiative to promote digital inclusion and empower the youth in Pakistan.

This program highlights the government’s commitment to bridging the digital divide and equipping young individuals with the necessary academic and professional success tools.

Through this scheme, eligible students receive laptops, enabling them to access information, enhance their digital skills, and participate actively in the digital age.

The initiative aims to enhance educational opportunities, improve research capabilities, and promote digital literacy among the youth.

By investing in the PM Shahbaz Sharif Youth Laptop Scheme, the government aims to create a knowledge-driven society and empower young Pakistanis to excel in their educational pursuits, contributing to the nation’s progress and development.

PM Youth Business and Agriculture Loan (Amount: PKR 10 Billion):

The PM Youth Business and Agriculture Loan, with an amount of PKR 10 billion, is a transformative initiative aimed at fostering entrepreneurship and supporting young individuals in starting their businesses in the fields of business and agriculture.

This substantial investment reflects the government’s commitment to promoting economic growth, job creation, and empowering the youth as key drivers of the nation’s economy.

Through this scheme, eligible individuals can access affordable loans and financial support to establish or expand their businesses in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, services, and technology.

By investing in the PM Youth Business and Agriculture Loan, the government seeks to unleash the entrepreneurial potential of the youth, stimulate economic activity, and create a vibrant business ecosystem that contributes to the overall development of Pakistan.

How To Apply For Prime Minister Youth Development Package | Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Program


To apply for the Prime Minister Youth Development Package or Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package, you can follow the general application process outlined below.

  • Visit the official website of the Prime Minister Youth Development Package: Access the official website at This website serves as the central platform for all information and applications related to the Prime Minister Youth Development Package.
  • Research the Programs: Start by researching the Prime Minister Youth Development Package or Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package to understand the eligibility criteria, available schemes, and application requirements.
  • Check Eligibility: Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the program you wish to apply for. Each scheme may have specific age limits, educational qualifications, or other prerequisites.
  • Gather Required Documents: Prepare the necessary documents as mentioned in the program guidelines. Commonly required documents include identification proof, educational certificates, income statements, bank statements, etc.
  • Fill out the Application Form: Obtain the official application form either online or from the designated government offices.
  • Attach Supporting Documents: Attach all the required supporting documents along with the completed application form. Ensure that you have all the necessary photocopies or certified copies of the original documents as specified in the guidelines.
  • Submit the Application: Submit your application along with the supporting documents to the designated office or through the prescribed method mentioned in the program guidelines. Be mindful of any deadlines and ensure timely submission to avoid any complications.
  • Follow Up: After submitting your application, stay informed about the progress of your application by regularly checking for updates through the official channels.

Prime Minister Youth Development Package Online Apply


  • Download the Youth Development Package App: Search for the official Prime Minister Youth Development Package app on your mobile device’s app store (such as Google Play Store or Apple App Store).
  • Install and Open the Youth Development Package App: Once the app is downloaded, install it on your mobile device.
  • Register or Log In: If you are a new user, register for an account by providing the required information, such as your name, contact details, and any other necessary details. If you already have an account, log in using your registered credentials.
  • Explore the App: Familiarize yourself with the features and sections of the app. The app includes sections for different schemes, program updates, application forms, guidelines, and contact information.
  • Access the Application Form: Locate the section or option within the app that provides access to the application form for the specific scheme or program you are interested in.
  • Fill Out the Application Form: Complete the application form within the app, providing accurate and detailed information as required.
  • Attach Supporting Documents: If the application requires supporting documents, the app may provide an option to upload or attach the necessary files.
  • Review and Submit: Review your completed application form and attached documents to ensure everything is accurate and complete.
  • Track Application Status: The app may provide features to track the status of your application.

Pros And Cons Of Prime Minister Youth Development Package


Pros of the Prime Minister Youth Development Package

  • Empowerment of Youth: PM Youth Development Package aims to empower the youth by providing them with various opportunities, including education, skill development, entrepreneurship, and financial support.
  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: By promoting entrepreneurship and providing financial assistance to startups, the program contributes to job creation and stimulates economic growth.
  • Education and Skill Development: PM Youth Development Package focuses on enhancing educational opportunities and skill development among Youth Development Package. Through initiatives such as scholarships, vocational training, and digital literacy programs, it aims to equip young individuals with the knowledge and skills needed for their personal and professional growth.
  • Support for Marginalized Youth: PM Youth Development Package includes schemes specifically designed to uplift marginalized sections of society, providing them with equal opportunities for education, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Cons of the Prime Minister Youth Development Package

  • Implementation Challenges: The successful implementation of a program of this magnitude requires effective planning, coordination, and execution.
  • Sustainability: The long-term sustainability of the program’s initiatives and their impact on youth development can be a challenge.
  • Eligibility Criteria and Access: The eligibility criteria for certain schemes may limit the number of youth who can benefit from the program.
  • Political Nature: As a government-led program, it can be susceptible to political influences, which may affect the program’s priorities, allocation of funds, and implementation.

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PM Youth Development Package | FAQs

What is the Prime Minister Youth Development Package?


Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package is an allocation of PKR 80 billion, it consists of a total of 11 different schemes and programs aimed at unleashing the potential of youth.

What is the total amount for the Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package for the fiscal year?


The Shehbaz Sharif Youth Development Package has a substantial allocation of PKR 80 billion.

What is the primary objective of the Prime Minister’s Youth Skill Development Program (PMYSDP)?


The PMYSDP aims to fortify the quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Pakistan by equipping young individuals with both conventional and cutting-edge skills in demand in the job market.

How much funding does the PM Education Fund receive, and what are its goals?


The PM Education Fund receives an allocation of PKR 5 billion. It aims to address educational gaps, improve infrastructure, enhance teacher training, and promote access to education for all.

Can you provide details about the PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League and its allocated amount?


The PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League receives a significant allocation of PKR 5 billion. It is designed to foster sports excellence, identify and nurture young talent across various sports disciplines, and provide training programs and infrastructure support.

What is the goal of the PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub, and how much funding is allocated to it?


The PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub receives an amount of PKR 5 billion and aims to harness the power of digital technology to empower and engage the youth in Pakistan.

Is there a mobile app for applying to the Prime Minister Youth Development Package, and what features does it offer?

Yes, there is a mobile app for the Prime Minister Youth Development Package. The app provides features such as access to application forms, program updates, guidelines, and contact information.

How many schemes are included in the PM Youth Development Package, and can you name a few key schemes along with their allocated amounts?


There are a total of 11 different schemes under the PM Youth Development Package. Some of the key schemes under the PM Youth Development Package include:

1. PM Shahbaz Sharif Youth Laptop Scheme (Amount: PKR 10 Billion)
2. PM Youth Business and Agriculture Loan (Amount: PKR 10 Billion)
3. PM Talent Hunt Youth Sports League (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
4. PM Shahbaz Sharif Digital Youth Hub (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
5. PM Youth Skill Development (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
6. Shahbaz Sharif Tubewell Solarization (Amount: PKR 20 Billion)
7. IT Startups and Venture Capital Innovation Award (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
8. PM Women Empowerment Program (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
9. PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
10. PM Sports Endowment Fund and University (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)
11. PM Education Fund (Amount: PKR 5 Billion)

What are the pros and cons of the Prime Minister Youth Development Package?


Pros include youth empowerment, job creation, economic growth, education, skill development, and support for marginalized youth. Cons involve implementation challenges, sustainability concerns, eligibility criteria, and potential political influences.

What is the significance of the PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution, and how much funding is allocated to this initiative?

The PM Green Youth Movement Green Revolution, with an amount of PKR 5 billion, aims to promote environmental sustainability by engaging the youth in activities such as tree planting, conservation projects, waste management, and renewable energy initiatives.

How does the Shahbaz Sharif Tubewell Solarization initiative contribute to the agricultural sector, and what is the allocated amount?


With an amount of PKR 20 billion, the Shahbaz Sharif Tubewell Solarization initiative aims to revolutionize the agricultural sector by promoting sustainable practices. Solarizing tubewells reduces reliance on traditional energy sources, providing farmers with a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative.

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